You’re never too young or old to learn about recycling
Every change begins with us. Only by the power of the good example we can we influence others so that the effort will be common and the results will be measured.
You’re never too young or old to learn about recycling. We know what the the proverb says, but we were surprised when received a letter from Dragos, a four-year-old boy, curious to find out what happened to his electric toys when broke.
It seems that all the stories and cartoons about recycling were not enough for hiwm, for this reason his parents pay him a surprise and brought him to our factory in Campia Turzii, just 100 km away from the house.

We support this kind of positive initiative, especially when parents or teachers communicate good habits to children. We know that the little ones have a strong desire to do good things. That is why we want to show young people, whether they are 4 years old or students, how important it is to take care of the environment and that recycling is one of the solutions for a sustainable future, but also to create people with a healthy attitude towards the community.
Also this year we have organized many workshops, where more than 500 students visited our facilities. All the information and their presence here was an absolute novelty for them and we find them being extremely fascinated by the recycling processes.

The atmosphere in the factory does not resemble at all a regular day at school, that’s why everyone is interested in learning, but not in mathematics or literature. Also, for teachers, this kind of meetings are a good opportunity to improve their knowledge and teaching materials in the field of waste recycling.
Children are the future recyclers of the world. With our support and openness, it also increases the mentality of taking care of the environment.